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Jessica Martin


Posted: 9/5/16


Jessica like many other athletes that step on a stage got tired of feeling out of shape and feeling like crap. So, she embarked on a weight loss journey that forever changed her life but also paved the way for her future without even knowing it! Fast forward a couple years later, and it all began!

Jessica stepped onstage in her first Figure competition as was able to crack the top 5 in both her classes. At that point, she was hooked! She competed at the 2016 NPC Pacific Coast Championships in Lincoln City and won both her class and the Physique Overall title before competing at the 2016 NPC USA Championships in Las Vegas, NV where she won both her class and the Overall as well as her IFBB Pro Card in Women's Physique. Congrats Jessica and we look forward to seeing your Pro Debut!


1. When and why did you decide to start competing?

My fitness journey started in 2011. After topping the scale at almost 190lbs, I decided I needed to lose weight. I had no idea that that decision would change my life so drastically and for the better. I spent a good part of 2011-2012 loosing almost 90lbs by managing my calories and going to the gym. Although I lost a lot of weight, I wanted a more muscular appearance. After spending a year meticulously tracking my diet, I began to understand the power of good nutrition and how manipulating calories and macros could make drastic changes within my body. To help ensure my training and diet were working in harmony to help me achieve my goals I sought out the guidance of someone who could advise me. In my search I met Jenny Stevens with Figure Champions. She became my mentor and now dear friend. At our first meeting in 2012, she encouraged me to compete at Seven Feathers in 2013, which I did, placing 4th in Open and 5th in Masters.


2. What makes you want to go farther in the sport?

Myself! I’m very goal-oriented. Each time I compete my goal is to present a tighter, more muscular and symmetrical physique. I like to see if I can “beat” my previous package.


3. What type of training do you implement during contest prep and the in the off-season?

My weight training is generally the same year round. I train 6-7 days per week. When prepping for a contest, I introduce fasted cardio and giant sets. In general, I train one body part per week. I mix it up a lot and rarely do exercises in the same order. Although I am very focused and train intensely, I always have a lot of fun in the gym.

4. What is your favorite type of dieting meals and what is your favorite type of cheat meal?

I generally eat the same year round, but reduce carbs and calories as I get closer to a contest. My favorite pre- contest meal is egg whites and sautéed veggies. My favorite treat meals are sushi, pancakes and steak and eggs! I’ve also been known to indulge in Swedish fish.


5. Who are some of the people that have helped you along the way to get where you are now in life or in the sport?

There are more people who have provided me inspiration, coaching, advice and support than there is space to list and I know I will inadvertently leave someone out. Closest to me, I’d like to thank Jenny Stevens and Scott Millus for their advice and encouragement, Andre Scott and the Posing Perfection team for their constructive feedback and unwavering support and Matt Porter for his attention to detail and encouragement. Good athlete + great support team = winning


6. Who or what inspires you to strive for more in the sport?

When you love to do something, it doesn’t feel like work – even when you’re working your tail off! I love training! Bodybuilding has transformed my physique, but more importantly, transformed my mind set. It has given me strength and confidence that I can achieve anything I work towards consistently.


7. What is next for you as a competitor?

My goal is to compete in my first pro contest next summer with my eye on the Olympia.


8. What is your favorite memory good or bad while prepping or competing?

The night before pre-judging at the 2016 USA’s I started thinking about food. So I turned on the food network channel with the hopes of seeing a chef prepare some sort of delicious meal. The show Beat Bobby Flay was on, where contestants try to prepare a better dish than professional chef Bobby Flay using a surprise ingredient. The surprise ingredient was……ASPARAGUS!


9. Any website you would like to plug, Facebook, Twitter, personal site, etc...

I get asked a lot about what I eat and how I train so I started posting pictures and videos on Instagram

10. Anything you would like to say to all the visitors to NPC Oregon?

A few years ago when I was just starting my fitness journey I remember reading the NPC athlete profiles. I was stunned and amazed at the physiques created by such hard working and dedicated athletes. For people reading this that are considering or just starting their fitness journey here is some advice: Just like me, you will have good days and bad days – keep moving forward. You will sometimes have a perfect diet and other days you won’t – keep moving forward. You will be tired after a long day at work and taking care of family obligations – keep moving forward. Just like me, you will not always be motivated to do what you need to in order to meet your goals. Instead of focusing on motivation, work towards disciplining yourself to keep moving forward…do what you must even when you don’t want to. Your discipline will ensure your success when your motivation is low and you will achieve your goals. For bodybuilding athletes reading this, I ask that you keep inspiring others. Your support and encouragement to people just starting out means more than you know.

Athlete Resources

Contact Info

State Chairman - Dominic Current

Vice Chairman - Ron Smith

61445 S. Highway 97 Suite A

Bend, OR 97702

Tel: 541-350-2259

©2023 All Rights Reserved.


The National Physique Committee is the premier amateur physique organization in the world. Since 1982, the top athletes in bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini and physique have started their careers in the NPC. Many of those athletes graduated to successful careers in the IFBB Professional League, a list that includes 24 Olympia and 38 Arnold Classic winners.

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